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Oven Fries

Oven Fries

This is an easy recipe that my mom came up with when we were kids. These fries are a healthier version of the fried potato wedges you find in the grocery store deli.


4 medium potatoes, washed, cut into quarters lengthwise

olive oil

garlic powder



Directions: In bowl, drizzle cut potatoes with olive oil and toss in bowl. Place on nonstick baking sheet and sprinkle with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Bake at 450 degrees for 20-25 min.

Disclaimer: Recipes on this site are a collection of our favorites. Some are our own recipes and others may have not originated on our site and/or have been adapted from other sites.


  1. Regina Shea

    Oh so yummy looking! I want to try this with sweet potatoes. Thank you Jill. Have a blessed Sunday!

  2. Becky

    Good morning!! Will y’all be sharing your March pictures/videos soon? 🙂


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