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Stuffed Zucchini

Stuffed Zucchini

This recipe is one of my hubby’s favorites! Our neighbors gave us a bunch of big zucchini right after we got married and in trying different recipes, I adapted them into my own and this one became a fave! Sometimes I slice my zucchini longways and seed (but keep the seeds!), throw them in a Ziplock and keep ’em in the freezer till I’m ready to make this deliciousness. It makes for a super quick dinner option! I’d almost plant zucchini out back just so I could eat this stuff whenever I want! ha!

1 super extra large zucchini (or 2-3 small/regular zucchini)

1 pound ground turkey or beef

1 cup dry bread crumbs (or 1 cup crispy toasted bread, crumbled or blended to fine crumbles)

1 T. Italian seasoning

2 tsp. minced garlic

1 (24oz) can spaghetti sauce

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese (cheddar or mexican will work too)

Preaheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook ground turkey in skillet (and drain afterwards if using beef). Trim ends off zucchini and cut in half lengthwise. Scrape out seeds and mix together in bowl with rest of ingredients except mozzarella cheese. Place zucchini in 9×13 pan. Stuff zucchini with mixture. (It’s ok if it spills over into the pan.) Sprinkle mozzarella on top. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake about 45 min.-1 hour, or until zucchini isn’t super crunchy, but isn’t completely soggy either. Enjoy!


Disclaimer: Recipes on this site are a collection of our favorites. Some are our own recipes and others may have not originated on our site and/or have been adapted from other sites.


  1. Maria

    I’m curious about the recipes. These are some that you have taken from others? Just want to make sure I give credit to the right people. Thanks.

    • Derick & Jill

      Hey Maria,
      Yeah, some are recipes I’ve collected that we make regularly that I thought others would like too, or sometimes I end up making my own version out of a recipe I find, and othertimes I try a dish I really like and get the recipe for it to share with others. 🙂 Most of the recipes on our site didn’t originate with me, but we’ve compiled or tweaked them to become some of our favorites!
      Thanks for checking!

      • Kimberly

        Add some cream cheese to the spaghetti sauce. It’s good. Oh, more than one person can have the same recipe. There’s how many people on this earth. So, its bound to happen. Secret recipes are not secret anymore. There’s machines that can detect what’s in stuff and some not so happy ex employees.

  2. Michelle

    Wow! Nice work on your new web design. Congratulations. I love that you’ve added recipes from the country’s that you’ve lived in. Easy enough, economical and they sound scrumptious. I’ll be trying some soon. Thanks for your hard work and spreading. The love of God throughout the earth!

  3. Sandra

    I’ve never frozen zucchini before, good to know!!

    • Derick & Jill

      Yup. I’ve found it works great for this recipe specifically since it will be cooked and doesn’t need to be crisp. If I were gonna eat it raw I wouldn’t freeze it since it would thaw out a little soggy.

      • Carolyn

        Hey Jill,
        Zucchini is so versatile! Thanks for the freezing idea, I’m going to try that. Have you tried a vegetarian version of stuffed zucchini? I use the recipe from the Moosewood Cookbook (all vegetarian recipes) – it’s so good!

  4. Terri d

    I had a great Zucchini growing year. Out of 2 .5 plants after making breads cakes n cup cakes out of the zuchinni still have so many left and they arent small ones. We have given to family friends neighbors. Use them in fried potatoes sauteed w veggies. Never have made stuffed zucchini but i will be trying this recipe this weekend. Thank you for sharing.

    • Derick & Jill

      It’s so delicious! Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! -Jill


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