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Our First Daughter, Isla Marie Dillard

Our First Daughter, Isla Marie Dillard

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the stillbirth of our beautiful baby girl, Isla Marie Dillard. Jill was 4 months pregnant (due in August) when we found out that our baby died in utero. From the moment we found out we were pregnant, we couldn’t wait to meet our baby.  Isla was much loved from the start, and her 3 big brothers were so excited to introduce her to their world. 
We appreciate your prayers as we continue to grieve and heal from the loss of our little Isla Marie.

The photos above are considered the property of the Dillard Family and may only be used with their written permission. Please request permission to use the photos.


  1. Susan Shapiro

    So deeply sorry for your loss.

  2. Danielle Martin

    Jill and family, I am so sorry for your loss❤️

  3. Kathryn

    I am so sorry. I am praying for you during this time of grieving. I am so glad you have these photos of your time on earth with your beautiful Isla. It does get easier. Cling to the Lord and His word. Hugs to you.

  4. Elizabeth

    Condolences on the loss of your daughter. I just wanted to reach out to tell you I have more babies in heaven than here on earth. I, too, lost a baby at 16 weeks, which is why I’m sharing that I was tested to find out why (finally, after two previous losses). I had an autoimmune response to pregnancy, which caused the placenta to clot because my body erroneously viewed a pregnancy as something to be fought off. It’ was devastating. The good news is that I went on to have two healthy children after that diagnosis and future management of my clotting disorder. I thought perhaps this info could be helpful to you. Please know I’m praying for your family right now.

  5. Tabiatha

    Hi Dillard family. Im so sorry for your loss. I have a nonprofit that sends bereavement packages to families who have miscarried or had a stillbirth. I would love to send a package to you when you’re ready. You can email us at if you would like more info.

    Tabiatha Tallent

  6. Shana Foucher Arno

    So very sorry for the loss of your baby girl Isla. Sending prayers to help comfort you during this incredibly sad time.

  7. Alesha L

    My prayers and condolences to your family . Little Isla Marie and River Bliss are your Angels watching over you, safe in the arms of Our Lord, and will be reunited with you someday✝️✝️

  8. Elizabeth Brulc

    Sorry to read about your loss. Sweet Isla is up in Heaven playing with her brother or sister and also my two munchkins. Looking forward to that blessed day when we believers will be reunited with the children we’ve lost. Sending you both hugs at this difficult time.

  9. anastasia cornell

    I’m so very sorry Jill and Derrick. I, too, share your pain. I have 3 babies in heaven myself. All lost in vitro. I think of my children often; wonder who’d they be and what kind of mom I would have been. Blessings and much love to you. You are in my prayers.

  10. Jill Johnson

    Jill & Derick,

    Please accept our deepest sympathies on the loss of your beloved baby girl. While no words can describe the pain of your loss or the grief you are going through, know that so many friends (including many people you’ve never even met) are thinking of you and your boys and praying for your strength during this difficult time. God Bless.

    With much love,

    The Johnsons

  11. Lois Macdonald

    my prayers are with you at this time. when you are ready check out the [R] project. dear friends of mine had a sleeping baby loss and started a non-profit support group. they use their own loss to minister to other families that have experienced loss

  12. Amy Toney

    I am so sorry. Praying God continues to wrap his loving arms around you both and your boys during this difficult time.

  13. Madison

    Prayers for you all. I have been in this place twice myself. Amazing how the Lord can come to our aid in these times of heartache.

  14. Natalie

    My heart is with you all I know this is a rough time. You are an amazing mom. Keep your head up high. We are all here for you

  15. Sydnee

    I lost my twins at 19&20 weeks due to cervical incompetence. We lost our baby boy, Levi Chandler-Krew, first. Then a week later after trying to keep her in as long as possible we lost our baby girl, Isla Harlyn. I’m so sorry for your loss momma, she’s watching over you and your lovely family. with you in all that you do. Sending you so much love in this time. xoxo

  16. tRINA Ross

    Jill and Derrick, I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your precious baby girl. I too, have lost children in utero and I know the pain you are feeling. I’ll be praying that each of you and your family feel God’s comfort and peace during this difficult time. May God hold you all with His loving arms right now and be with each one of you.
    In Christ’s Love, your sister in Christ.

  17. Kim d

    My heart is heavy for your family. I’m so sorry. May you find an anchor for your hearts and minds in the hope of Jesus Christ as you mourn for sweet Isla. I have found Hope Mommies to be an incredible community of women who grieve together without losing sight of Truth. You’re not alone.

  18. Just Someone

    I’m so sorry for your loss. You are all in my thoughts. <3

  19. Barbara A Szydlowski

    sorry for your family lost wish nothing but the very best for your self and husband .

  20. Regina Shea

    Holding you up in prayer. I’m so sorry for the loss of your little baby girl.

    • Loni Stel

      I am so sorry for the stillbirth of your precious daughter. I also had a stillborn daughter at 36 weeks whom we named Angela Hope. It’s not easy going through this, hormones are all messed up, and so many dreams died. The upçoming due date along with Mother’s Day will be tough days, but you will get through it. Hang on to Jesus. Know He weeps with you. And, our hope that the first face your daughter saw was Jesus’ and she knew no pain or sorrows, is pretty amazing. We hurt, we grieve deeply, yet we have hope of eternity to hang on to.

  21. Rene lundby

    I am sitting at my kitchen table bawling right now. I don’t know you personally, of course, but your family’s show was always on in the background of my life as I grew up. I just finished reading your powerful book, and I was so happy to learn of your newfound freedom in the love of Christ.

    I want to offer you a bit of hope. I lost two children in utero myself and have two children with me on Earth. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope that the rapture will be within my lifetime. Only God can know, of course, but He does say that there will be signs, and looking at the world right now, I think there is a very good chance that it will be sooner rather than later. So as you grieve your precious baby, take whatever comfort you can in the hope that maybe your reunion will be sooner than you think.

  22. Karen jaCkson

    My sister lost her baby boy 1 week before his due date. It was devastating for the whole family. He would be turning 42 this year. She is in Heaven with him now.

  23. Isabel

    <3 Sorry for your loss..


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