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June 2018 Pictures and Videos

June 2018 Pictures and Videos

Here is an assortment of pictures and videos from the month of June! We try to keep from duplicating what’s already been put up in other posts during the month, so most of these are new. ๐Ÿ™‚


The photos above are considered the property of the Dillard Family and may only be used with their written permission. Please request permission to use the photos.


  1. Reba

    Actually, most of these have already been posted, either as a blog post or on Instagram…

  2. Austin David Lilly

    Wonderful pictures, thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Regina Shea

    Such lovely pictures. I love the pictures of you and Derick holding your friend’s baby. He’s so precious!
    Thank you for sharing your June photos and videos. Jill, do you get Above Rubies magazine and are familiar with Nancy Campbell? I just love their ministry of encouraging families. If you never heard of it just go to

    • Derick & Jill

      Yes. I have heard of them, although I haven’t kept up with them a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚


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