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Dillards Take The Oregon Trail: Day 4

We road tripped from Arkansas to Oregon (less than 100 miles difference in distance than the actual, historic Oregon Trail)! It took us 3 days to get there (much better than the 4 months or so the pioneers had to endure)! Once in Oregon, we visited lots of friends and saw many places, from Portland to the Seaside & Newport coasts, including Astoria, Eugene and Bend! Then we made the 3 day trek back home, stopping on the way to see some of the actual wagon tracks left by those who took the original Oregon Trail many years ago!

This video captures day 4 of our trip. We explore more of the area, and get a special gift for the boys from a local shop and hang out at Haystack Rock. Then we grab some clam chowder at Mo’s in Cannon Beach, take a drive, and come back to Seaside where we get ice cream, build a fire on the beach and have s’mores with Tori & Zach Roloff and their kids!

More videos coming soon!

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