The Key to Keeping Your 2019 Resolutions

In the spirit of the New Year, I’d like to share a personal story about New Year’s resolutions.  

Some of you may not know this, but 7 years ago I weighed nearly 400 pounds.  The day was New Years Eve, 2011, and I knew I needed to discipline myself to lose 250 pounds and lose it fast!  I didn’t know how I was going to do it nor how I would stay focused, but I was determined that it was going to happen, and nothing could stop me.  It was all set… I would wake up each morning at 3AM, super motivated, before my daily 4-hour weight workout that would warm me up for a 19-mile jog.  

Exercise was important, but I’m pretty sure diet was the key. An important factor was drinking a glass of orange juice that had been organically hand-squeezed the way a blog I read said to hand-squeeze it, but it also had to be the kind infused with glacier water that had locked in the right blend of purified nutrients since the ice age.  With this carefully-balanced plan, I could be successful.  I even surprised myself when I saw that nearly 100 pounds had just melted away in the first month!  I ended-up ahead of schedule, dropping 251 pounds in just 3 months!  

If this story sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is.  There’s a lot of talk this time of year about making resolutions.  Whether you intend to make a physical, financial, spiritual, or some other resolution, it’s important to have a game-plan for success. Just before heading off to serve in Nepal, in January 2012 a leader at my orientation shared some wise advice that has helped me roadmap various goals since then.  

You may have even heard this before, but this leader shared the importance of having S.M.A.R.T. goals.

  1. Specific.  As the old adage goes… if you aim for nothing, you’re sure to hit it every time.  So be sure you know specifically what you’re shooting for in 2019.
  • Measurable.  How are you supposed to know whether you’ve reached your goal if you have not defined it within measurable bounds?!  Plus, if you’re a visual person like myself, it’s always motivating when I can chart out my progress toward a particular goal.  I always think back to elementary school, when I would watch the United Way progress thermometer fill up as our school worked toward our giving goal.  
  • Achievable.  Having an achievable goal is the key to avoiding discouragement, especially early on in your journey.  if our goals are unrealistic, we can get discouraged when we make it harder on ourselves to actually follow-through.  Like my hypothetical story above, if you were to oversleep your 3AM wakeup goal and subsequently cut short your 19-mile run because you weren’t able to fulfill your 4-hour weight room session, then you’re probably going to find it even harder to do the next day.  If you’re like me, when you skip a day, it can be even more tempting to justify falling more off track, saying something like “well… I already screwed up yesterday, what’s another day going to hurt?”  Knowing your own limits and setting achievable goals can help avoid this hang-up and keep you from getting discouraged along the way.         
  • Relevant.  Be sure to set goals that are consistent with your overall life plan.  This may seem obvious, but many times we fail to see the big picture.  Know what your overall, long-term goals are (think decades out).  Then reverse-engineer what your smaller goals are, so that they’re in-line with what you want to accomplish.  For example, if you want to own your own business, what are you doing now to build your skills and achieve that end.  Our daily activities should be in line with our higher-level vision for where we want to be in the future.  
  • Time-sensitive.  Procrastination is what we’re trying to guard against here.  Having goals that are both measurable and time-sensitive gives yourself rules, which you can use to judge whether you’re successful or not.    

If you’re looking for some helpful resources to get you motivated, here are two that really encouraged our family in 2018 and that are sure to get you off on the right foot in 2019: 1) Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and book, “The Total Money Makeover,” and 2) Dr. Henry Cloud’s “Boundaries” book.

As always, keep everything in perspective and realize that nothing ultimately matters anyway unless it’s done for the one true God.  Colossians 3:23-24 says “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” 

Please note that any family photos on this site are copyrighted and may not be used without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

8 thoughts on “The Key to Keeping Your 2019 Resolutions”

  1. Thanks Derick and Jill for this. I quit making New Year’s resolutions a long time ago but I do post on my blog every January 1st realistic goals for myself. Some years I achieved all my goals but some I haven’t but I’m okay with that. Anyway, though my blog is written to women both you and Jill are welcome to read and/ or comment. Comments are moderated to prevent spam and to prevent nasty comments from being posted.

  2. Thank you for sharing this tip. I also found myself making resolutions and falling short. In 2018 I made a few tweaks for weight loss and made a step in the right directions. I kept my “plan” to myself so family didn’t watch what I ate like a hawk. This used to happen so in the past I just gave up. If they thought I would fail I found myself just giving up .I also made a deal with myself that I save the money I would have spent on pizza and junk food. And at the end of each month i would buy a toy for our local children shelter. This kept me focused as I looked forward to buying a toy each month. I made small progress and lost 27 lbs in 2018 but sharing with the kids was my brightest spot. So I’m going to take your SMART tip and continue my continue my weight loss 2019. Your post will keep me moving forward setting small goals. In the end small goals equal big one Thank you

  3. Thank You for this post. For years I had been making resolutions and then hating myself when I failed miserably at them. 2018 is when I made no goals, other then to live. ( I have a serious heart condition) I also started praying more. Something I hadn’t done since I was a little girl. I had always surrounded myself with faith based people, tv, books, but never truly opened my heart to His Word, or Love. In 2018 my soul rejoiced when, after 42 years, I finally accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. HE is my strength. Now my goal, while it is still to live, is to study the Bible more, and truly understand. Thank You guys for helping me on my journey. Your families have had a HUGE part in it. Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year to you all!

  4. Thanks for the perspective Derick, I just learned about SMART goals in a leadership class I’m taking and I agree that it is one of the simplest ways to stay on task- no goal, worth having, is lasting without ba plan to achieve it.

  5. Jill, when your family had pictures taken by Andy Henderson before Josiah’s wedding, did you have individual family portraits done? Are they going to be posted?

  6. Wise words; thanks so much for sharing. We have done Financial Peace as well as Financial Freedom Seminar. Now to do the Boundaries book you suggested.

  7. Denise Johnson

    Hey, I’m sorry if this is rude or insensitive, but you would you mind posting a pic of yourself from 7 years ago. Just to see how far you’ve come.

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