New York Times Bestseller!

Since the release of our book last week (“Counting The Cost”), we have been overwhelmed by the love and support from so many of y’all! We recently found out that we made it to #2 on the New York Times bestseller list! Thank you!

We were so grateful to have had the opportunity to answer lots of your questions and meet so many of you at both our in-person and virtual book signings last week. Between media interviews and the book release and all, its been a somewhat stressful and emotional whirlwind of a week, but we are thankful for God’s grace and the support of so many of y’all!

If you are interested in hearing more of our story by getting your own hard copy, e-book, or audiobook of “Counting The Cost,” tap the link here, or find the book wherever books are sold! Autographed copies are still available through Premiere Collectibles at this link here. The book is also available internationally via digital e-book here, via audiobook here, or the hard copy book can be shipped to most places via Amazon here.

Please note that any family photos on this site are copyrighted and may not be used without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

10 thoughts on “New York Times Bestseller!”

  1. Congratulations! I will most likely need to check it out at our public library. My book budget currently is at 0. Jill can you write a post on your Bible study routine and what you use. Do you follow a particular study method such as S.O.A.P, The James Method, or something like that?

    1. Hi Regina,

      I hope this leaves you feeling good as I have an idea for you. My book budget is at 0 or might as well be in the negative lol. What I found was helpful was that audible on my phone was offering a free trial and was able to listen to the book for free that way. If you’re able and interested, feel free to give this a try. I certainly cannot wait to buy my own copy some day though!

  2. Just finished your book! I loved it! Eye opening for sure! So happy you and Derick have told your truths, and I pray healing and peace for you and your family. I pray others in your family have the insight to see what has happened, or is still happening and that they will realize they can leave a toxic life and also heal.

  3. Alison A HAMPTON

    just got the audio version of the book and loving hearing your story in your voice! You are so brave to let your struggles out to the world. I prey for peace and happiness for your family. I am also a boy mom so understand the struggles!!

  4. I listened to your audiobook so quickly. I was one that watched the show from day one and you were one of my favorites! After hearing your story, it warms my heart to hear your truth to becoming free. It’s great to hear that your familly is well too. Keep being you and encouraging others!

  5. I’m reading the book now (half way through) and I must say that it’s a very compelling, heartwarming and heartbreaking story at the same time.

    It’s obvious that viewing from the outside (watching TV) we assume or take for granted what’s happening within a family because they become an integral part of our lives, through TV, when in fact we don’t have a clue what is going on behind the scenes.

    This book is so well written and clears the air, tells the Truth on how things truly went down. I highly recommend it to everyone.


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