We are excited to announce that our book, , is going to release earlier than previously expected! Due to y’all’s overwhelming support and interest in our story, we’ve been able to pull some strings and now the book is coming out four months earlier than initially expected!
The NEW release date for is September 12th, 2023!
You can pre-order Counting the Cost today by clicking !
For media requests, tap here.

About our book:
details our painful journey as part of the reality-show-filming Duggar family.
As the picture on the cover conveys, the book is meant to reflect a story that has been difficult, yet hopeful. The challenges we have faced, including lack of respect for boundaries, greed, manipulation, and betrayal, are not that much different than what many people in our audience have faced. However, 15+ years of reality television, undergirded by secrecy and lies, is tantamount to pouring gasoline on the fire of our struggle.
Thanks to time, tears, truth, and therapy, God has begun to heal our wounds into scars. Though we would have never chosen this path, and it has cost us dearly, we want to use our voice to show others that there is hope beyond the pain.
Our book, will be out in the world soon!
Please note that any family photos on this site are copyrighted and may not be used without the express written permission of the copyright holder.
Will you guys be selling autographed copies too?
Yes. Autographed books are available through Premiere Collectables. 🙂 See link in my latest post or link in my Facebook and Instagram bios.
Yay! That’s great you two. I will be reading your book.
As the time draws closer to you book release , I just wanted to let you know it’s normal to have high anxiety and PTSD from the coercive control your dad used to unjustly and 100% deceptively overpower you with your whole life.
I recognize you have realized this and are taking control over yourself which is a huge momentous step.
God created you “woman” in his image! You are 100% created with a mind/heart that is your own. Nobody is in charge of you, not even Derrick.
Your choices are yours alone , your inner thoughts are yours alone and belong to you. Not your parents. Jill you were created for individuality in the image of God and he said it was good.
You do not belong or are the property of anyone.
I recognized many years ago the falsification of self your dad presented on TV. His love of money. The evidence of his love of money. The deception that falls behind this love of money. Jesus said you cannot serve God and money for you will love one and hate the other. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. It’s so obvious whom your dad serves.
Your dad is a narcissist. And the narcissistic personality disorder is so evident because he treats his kids like a commodity. There is no true love in a narc. They are unable to do it. Never believe a narcs words. It’s the underlying wrath/deception behind the scenes that proves who they are not what narrative they present to others.
Jill what you are doing is righteous. There is nothing wrong with exposing darkness with light, Backlash is to be expected. But your truth and healing is more important. And the ones who understand have your back. We get it. Thank you for using the tenacity God gave you to overcome this betrayal in your life. You children will be the fruit of all your efforts.
You and Derrick will weather this storm. Much love to you.
I highly doubt that people read these comments.
As the time draws closer to you book release , I just wanted to let you know it’s normal to have high anxiety and PTSD from the coercive control your dad used to unjustly and 100% deceptively overpower you with your whole life.
I recognize you have realized this and are taking control over yourself which is a huge momentous step.
God created you “woman” in his image! You are 100% created with a mind/heart that is your own. Nobody is in charge of you, not even Derrick.
Your choices are yours alone , your inner thoughts are yours alone and belong to you. Not your parents. Jill you were created for individuality in the image of God and he said it was good.
You do not belong or are the property of anyone.
I recognized many years ago the falsification of self your dad presented on TV. His love of money. The evidence of his love of money. The deception that falls behind this love of money. Jesus said you cannot serve God and money for you will love one and hate the other. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. It’s so obvious whom your dad serves.
Your dad is a narcissist. And the narcissistic personality disorder is so evident because he treats his kids like a commodity. There is no true love in a narc. They are unable to do it. Never believe a narcs words. It’s the underlying wrath/deception behind the scenes that proves who they are not what narrative they present to others.
Jill what you are doing is righteous. There is nothing wrong with exposing darkness with light, Backlash is to be expected. But your truth and healing is more important. And the ones who understand have your back. We get it. Thank you for using the tenacity God gave you to overcome this betrayal in your life. You children will be the fruit of all your efforts.
You and Derrick will weather this storm. Much love to you.
I purchased your book and read it cover-to-cover in one day – I couldn’t put it down. I’m heartbroken for what you both went through and are still going through, but I’m also inspired and encouraged. You managed to tell the truth in a way that was factual, but not vindictive. You owned your own mistakes and gave as much grace and respect to your parents and siblings as possible while not glossing over the truth of their actions and horrible impact they had on you and your family.
It can be so hard for those of us raised to respect and obey to ever see ourselves as adults in our own right. It’s a struggle to see doing things differently than our parents did – or having different views than our parents do – as anything other than sinful or disrespectful. And it’s hard to show respect and love to our parents when – truth be told – they’re the ones causing the conflict. Our parents, it turns out, are only humam, and just like us, they too are sinners in need of a Savior. Thanks for sharing the truth, and I pray our Lord will bless you and walk with you as you heal.
I’ve been a fan of your show(s) for years. I wasn’t naive and understood that it was “TV”, albeit reality TV. Your book answered a lot of my questions! It was excellent. I obviously don’t know you, I’m not your friend, but here is my impression, if I may. Your parents, and I include your mama because she supported your father, eventually placed more importance on your relationship with them, than on your relationship with the Lord and his Word. You have your passages memorized, you know the stories, and that is wonderful, but it seems that to end up in such a distraught state, the overarching message was lost. In the OT, there were many many rules to follow. God’s chosen people had to try to obey all of God’s commands. And they were unsuccessful, because we are all sinners. And to atone for their sins, they had more rules to follow, including sacrificing lambs, lots of lambs. In the NT, when Christ came, the laws were no longer a requirement to have eternal life. Christ died so we didn’t have to follow a set of rules in order to get to heaven. We had to believe in Him. Period. And what was his greatest commandment of all? Love! After reading your book, it seems like your dad is about rules, rules, and more rules… And sadly the rules seem to benefit him the most! Where is the love in that?? A couple more odds and ends: the thing with dresses versus pants. As a woman, I think dresses are often sexier than pants and there are more opportunities for accidental reveals. I feel more vulnerable in dresses, too. Your parents teachings about sex remind me of the signs at Yellowstone NP! Don’t touch the pools, the water may burn you. Haha! After reading the signs that were everywhere, all I wanted to do was touch the water and see if it was really that hot! (Of course I didn’t, but…). Regarding large quantities of children… There are a lot of Biblical characters and few mention having dozens of siblings or kids. Why is that? How does that happen? Ponder that! And is it right to expect a child to care for younger siblings on a daily basis? My thought is that it is the parents’ responsibility, not another child’s. And there is something about the attention a new baby requires and receives. As the oldest, if you are interested in babies, how much fun would it be to have a new one every year for 19+ years? But what if you are the oldest, a typical 4 year old, and you aren’t interested in babies? In most families, maybe for a year or two or three, momma and daddy are taking care of a newborn which is more demanding, but after the baby years, mom and dad can divide their attention once again evenly between the kids. But when you are constantly having babies, that oldest kid may never get enough attention. On education: home, public, private schooling, parents need to be involved with whatever route they take. Higher education: I hope you take some college courses. Ministry, business, art, childcare, writing, nursing…. Whatever you like. Not necessarily with a career goal in mind but that’s a possibility too! Just a course a semester. I think it would help with your confidence, self esteem, just round you out… and it would help in the long run with your relationship with Derrick to be a bit more equal education-wise. Just a thought. Anyway great book! Prayers!
I just finished listening to your book. I watched your shows on TLC and just wanted to let you know I appreciate your story.
I did not grow up in IBLP but in a church that is very similar. You have helped me have a new perspective on being okay with not living that lifestyle but still being a Godly Chrisitan. I relate on many levels to your story and am glad you shared it. Thank you and God bless.
Read your book and just going to say you are incredibly brave to write your memoir. I hope this has been a healing journey for you and will be for others who read it. ❤️ For such a time as this
Derrick and Jill, you two will receive way more money with this book than what would have been Jill’s share by filming, but the cost will be estrangement from the family. The siblings/parents wil never again dare to say any thing around you due to the fact that you will share it with the media. The same situation that Harry and Meghan find with the Royal family.