It’s finally official!
After passing the bar and becoming a licensed attorney in Arkansas earlier this year, Derick immediately started the process to transfer his score and get licensed for his new job in Oklahoma.
We are pleased to announce that everything has finally processed and it’s official now…Derick is a licensed attorney in both Arkansas and Oklahoma!
He is excited to be working in public service as a prosecutor in Stilwell, Oklahoma!
We were all excited to get to be there a couple weeks ago when Derick was sworn in. See pictures below from the special day!

Please note that any family photos on this site are copyrighted and may not be used without the express written permission of the copyright holder.
Congratulations on your achievements. I hope that working with the public opens your eyes about people with beliefs and opinions outside your (Duggar) family. “The world” and the people in it are not as awful and dangerous as you may have been led to believe. There is no need to isolate yourselves. That doesn’t make you better people. Justice may have to be blind, but I hope you can see the good in everyone, even if they’re completely different than what you’re used to. I hope you’re teaching your children that too.
Happy for your family!! You are a great team!
Love your sentiment ❤️❤️❤️ Congrats Derick! You’ll do great things and make a huge difference in the world!!!
Why is this comment necessary? You should’ve stopped with your first sentence. The rest was unnecessary!
Why would you assume that the beliefs she holds or ever held needed to be challenged or changed? Christian beliefs are the backbone of this country. True Christians live in this broken world every day and exercise compassion, kindness and helping others as a lifestyle. I am just tired of the stereotyping of Christians frankly. I live in the real world and always have. The false narrative you seem to have embraced is just that….false! Further, I applaud families like the one Jill grew up in. Perfect? Of course not! Anymore than any other family in this world. Think about not generalizing groups of people.
oooo this comment didn’t age well, huh Karen?!
This country is founded upon freedom to choose one’s religion. Nobody should be coerced or forced into a religion. This country includes many religions, not just Christianity.
Most “Christians” I know are horrible, horrible people.
You are assuming a whole lot about what they were taught and believe. As far as I can see, I obviously don’t know them, but they appear to be kind, loving, and as inclusive of people as any other people group. Well wishes to the Dillards as they continue to strive to help others and live a Christian life while constantly being scrutinized by the public.
Amen. ❤️
(I pray that goes for people of all sexes, genders, states of sex & gender, & orientations, as well,)
I’ve been following their journey for many years now and Both Jill and Derrick have always been loving and caring, open-minded with everyone they encounter. They’ve spent years in less fortunate Countries helping them.
They aren’t a part of the “typical Duggar world.” She married Derrick and they follow their own family rules.
You’d have made a better “argument” that most people are good had you stopped after your first sentence. This is about Derrick’s achievements, not a place for a lecture. If you disagree with their beliefs, just scroll past. Hopefully one day before its absolutely too late you’ll realize their beliefs are ones that you NEED. Lastly, by working as a Prosecutor he will see the worst side of humanity.
Derrick. Jill and their children are “Dillards” not Duggars, and even though Josh is part of humanity’s worse. and Jim Bob and Michelle have made tremendous mistakes (who hasn’t made mistakes?) that does not mean most of the Duggar children are not outstanding human beings! Most of them are model citizens and people you should strive to be like!
Justine, what a rude post. YES, there ARE people who are as awful and dangerous as we have been led to believe. Just look at the news! Stop judging these people — why do you claim they are isolating themselves and think they are better people because of it? Stop projecting your bigoted views on these people. What a judgmental, narrow-minded post.
I think the Duggars have proven to everyone watching that the world they try to live in is just as awful and dangerous as the world they tried to isolate themselves and their children from. Maybe worse because of prejudice, control, trying to keep secrets, and not holding people accountable.
wonderful newsa
congrats !!!
really happy for you and your family
Congrats to you Derick and also to Jill and the 3 littles!!! What a Blessing for your family!!
Congratulations! How exciting! I’m very glad for all of you ☺️
Absolutely fabulous!
Such a HUGE accomplishment! Congratulations! So happy for y’all. ❤️
Though I have not been previously registered on your sight because I try to avoid social media, I just had to break that rule this time! Let me just say…you are one of the best examples of a REAL Christian I have ever seen, and the most perfect example of someone who has turned lemons into lemonade! I admire both you and your wife Jill tremendously! CONGRATULATIONS…to both of you. Janet J., Gillette, WY.
Congratulations!!! Some good news for a change…your family is blessed 🙂
Congratulations Derrick!! I think its awesome that you and Jill and family do your own life.
Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment.
Congratulations to you, Derick…well done !!
I am really happy for your entire family.
You are blessed !!!
Psalm. 91.
Congratulations on your achievement!
That is awesome! Congratulations to you for staying with it and your family for standing with you through this long hard accomplishment. May God always bless you and you always keep God first.
I ah e been a fan for many years and I’m a 2L in Birmingham Al. Congrats!
Congratulations from Michigan, we have followed you Jill and Derrick from the very beginning, you have a beautiful family and love the way you parent and stand your ground to the world!
Hahaha ! The truth is we are all garbage and we don’t know anything although we think we do, that’s the reality you need to come to terms with. The only way we have any hope & the only thing that gives us any hope is Jesus Christ, without Jesus we are all scum & trash. No matter where you are He is the only way, period.
Congratulations Dillard family! So proud of your decision to become a Lawyer. Your great qualities will serve you well. What about becoming a Judge one day? What type of law will you practice? I don’t know if I’ve seen anything on it.
As for raising your family, I have to say you two are doing an excellent job. I know you’ve taken a lot of insults and criticism but have handled it well. The choice to let your children go to school was a great one in my opinion. The decisions you make are up to you two not Jim Bob or Michelle. That ended when you two became one on your wedding day. it’s up to you how you live, dress, eat, drink, recreate and so on. No longer does your EXTREMELY patriarchal, demeaning father have a say. I never missed one episode but, I always felt bad for you kids. so much of the child rearing was left to the oldest daughters and that’s just not fair. It went beyond your helping out and took so much from your childhood. Again, my opinion.
When your wedding episode aired and I saw your wedding dress, my first thought, how beautiful, second, how did you manage to go almost sleeveless ? and good for you for fighting for it, if you did. I know your dad probably didn’t approve but, too bad so sad. As horrible unkind as it is to say. I’ve never cared for your fathers way of being. I’ve found him dismissive to your mom and very overbearing. Glad you didn’t marry a man like your dad. I remember when your mom had to make overdone and her hair looked so cute and she didn’t keep the style I wondered how much of that influence was from your dad because she looked like she for once had a lot of pride in her looks which is in a bad thing. I just felt so sad for her anytime she tried to make changes to herself it seems like they were shot down. If I’m wrong I’m sorry but I don’t think I am.
Well, You did a great Q and a about Christmas and santa and I think you hit the nail right on the head with your explanations.
Sorry to be so long winded I wish you all the best in all that you do continue doing a great job as you parent all your little ones and and congratulations again on your new career as an attorney.
love to you all
I think you may be confused. This is the Dillard family, not Duggar. From what I understand (granted, via social media, so may not be reliable), the Dillard family has made many life choices based on their own beliefs and principles, that do not line up with the Duggars beliefs and principals. As a result, some members of the ACTUAL Duggar family have sadly distanced themselves from the Dillards. Might want to consider just offering congratulations instead of assumed (and quite possibly incorrect) beliefs on what they are about.
Congrats & be blessed.
Congratulations!!! You have a beautiful family and are setting a wonderful example for your children. Best wishes on this new endeavor.
congratulations to your family I pray that your heart will always be led by our Lord’s Spirit! Again congratulations and keep moving forward…
Awesome! Lots of hard work for Derick and the family! I’m happy for you. Best wishes for your future as a prosecutor in Stilwell.
That is so awesome! What an amazing journey you and your family are on. May your blessings continue. I pray the Lord continues to guide and protect you all.
Way to go! I’m so glad to see your family thrive! Jill & Derick, you two are so steadfast & faithful. Thank you for being your authentic selves. Your sons are so blessed to have you!
Congratulations!!! I know how much effort it takes as a family unit to support someone seeking higher education. Knowing what I went through in a similar situation I just want to say, Will done Dillard family. Jill the late nights of quizzing, reading and highlighting material to help your family get to this point are OVEREnjoy this time. My husband and I went through a similar experience. One of us took the lead with regards to education to lift our family up (my husband) but during those years I carried everything else so he could focus. As a result our family has been able to thrive over the last 20 years. My husband always credits me with helping him get through and taking the pressure of the kids, house, and all the Day to day stuff off of his shoulders. Now is a time of celebration. Enjoy the success! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations ….You’ve worked hard for all this. Glad you can practice in both states. And your family was right along with you in your journey.
Congratulations I’m happy for y’all
glad to hear just watch the Amazon prime docu series ‘Shiny Happy People’s it was a sad comment that I first saw on the comments section with this person saying you Isolate urself and ect. None of us truly know you on a personal level though we all wish we could but we only know what u put here and on your other social media but as a victim myself not of a cult but from molestation I can only imagine what you went through and still do each person’s experience is differently handled and I am so proud of you being on the Docu Series and speaking against the abuse with not just sexual buy physical and verbal, and I just want to say feel your feelings you don’t always have to smile or laugh be who you are. Glad to here about Derrick. God bless you.
Congratulations Derick on your hard work and effort!! I’m so happy for both you and Jill and know you will be a shining example for Isreal, Sam and your precious newborn. Your passion and heart for service shows through on a constant basis and is a testimony to your character. Well done sir!!
Congratulations Derick hard work brings great rewards!
Well done, Derrick!
Well done, Jill!
(Anyone who has been through school with a spouse knows that it’s a joint process!
Especially when there are babies involved.)
Brightest Blessings on you & your beautiful little family.
Congratulations! May I ask why you decided to be a prosecutor rather than an advocate for innocent, missed, abused, etc. people? Also, may I ask why you feel that God led you out of the mission field into a secular job? I’m a born again Christian who just want to understand, no judgment. Thank you in advance for answering my questions. In Christ’s Holy Name, Mrs. Donna W. Smoak
Congratulations on your achievement. What a great accomplishment. Good luck on your endeavors.
WTG! That’s awesome!
I’m wishing you guys all the best going forward. 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing this Remarkable Achievement!! This, in addition to your Precious Newborn son!
Congratulations to All of you, and may God Continue to Bless & Keep you! Your family is a Blessing and an Inspiration to Millions who are so hungry for learning how to be relentless Christian Soldiers.
So happy for all of you. Praise God for sunshine in these troubled times!
As an Oklahoman were so very happy for your family, welcome to Oklahoma !!
Congratulations! I am happy you are in Oklahoma as a Prosecutor. I have family in the area and it’s great to know that someone with your integrity and faith will be part of the Judicial system.
Congratulations to your family!! Y’all have worked so hard to get where you are. So proud of who you are and excited to see what else the good Lord has in store for your family. Thank you for sharing with us. Love to all of you.
Congratulations! Such wonderful news for your family!
What courthouse is this?
Congratulations, Derrick & Jill!! I was so happy to hear about Derrick becoming an attorney because this nation desperately needs godly men, good Christian men, to work in the system of the law. We know Derrick is a godly man. May God continue to bless you in all your future endeavors, and bless your family with good health and happiness!!
I’m so happy and excited for you Mr. Derrick Dillard and your family as well.
You and Jill have been through so much that this is truly a blessing for you. I know that this is such a rewarding experience and I am wishing you all the best. This shows us that no matter what happens to us there is always a silver lining that will follow but we must put forth the effort if we honestly want to succeed in life.
Once again Derrick Congratulations on your enthusiastic new career. I know you will always uphold to what you hold is true.
CONGRATULATIONS Dillard family! I’m SO happy for you all. Derek you are a stand up man and you have a beautiful family.
Congratulations on your accomplishments
Congratulations Derrick
Congratulations to Derick on his success! He has worked so hard and with the support of his beautiful family has been able to achieve his goals. If I could offer one piece of advice in life it would be to always look at things from every perspective, even the ones you disagree with. It helps you be more objective and empathetic to others. It doesn’t mean you agree or condone their values, but rather you explore the understanding of the life experience of others. I have no doubt you will be a great attorney. You both deserve all the happiness and success this world has to offer.
Congratulations! An even better way to help grow and serve as missionaries. Derrick, please remember those in need and those who don’t look, act, or believe like you do, on the highways or byways of life. That’s where the mission is most important and where the Word is needed!
Congratulations! How is your oldest doing with the new school?