You are such an example to all of us young moms and someone I aspire to be like! You’re not only my mom but one of my best friends! I am so grateful to God for you and your love for him! Mama, I couldn’t ask for a better mom! Now that I have a little guy, I understand more how blessed I was to have you as my mom! Your tender care and sweet, gracious spirit was always there to comfort us…and reprove us when we needed it. 😉 Your joyful attitude made our home a happy one. You chose joy even when things were tough. Seeing the love between you and Daddy made us girls dream about our future princes who would one day sweep us off our feet! You made sure we knew we could call you anytime about anything (& you still do!) and would stay up super late lending a listening ear to anything that might be on our hearts. The longer I live the more blessed I realize I am to have you as my mom! Thank you mama for teaching us to love Jesus and serve others! I love you! Happy Birthday!
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