Exciting News!

We’ve been keeping a little secret!

Ever since we were devastated last fall by the miscarriage of our sweet baby, River Bliss, we have prayed that, if it was God’s will, he would bless us with another baby.

We are excited to announce that God has answered our prayers and we are expecting our rainbow baby due July 2022!

We are so thankful for a healthy baby and pregnancy so far and we look forward to finding out the gender soon!

Photo credit: Monique Serra Photography Instagram: @moniqueserraphotography

Location: The Ravington

Please note that any family photos on this site are copyrighted and may not be used without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

126 thoughts on “Exciting News!”

  1. Such exciting news, congratulations! I love all of sweet Israel’s missing teeth…he is getting so big, fulfilling that shirt!

  2. Congratulations to you and your entire family. FOD has blessed you with another little bundle of joy. I can’t wait to see a new family photo with the new baby. Best wishes.

  3. Congratulations! It’s so awesome to see you & some of your sisters not living under the oppressive dictator Jim Bob’s rule that women should be human PEZ dispensers. That you are doing what is best for you & your family.

  4. So so so happy for you! I know the pain of loss, but I also know the joy (and fear) a rainbow baby can bring. What a blessing! Congratulations! ❤️

  5. I was wondering if you were expecting for a while now since all your pictures lately were taken strategically of mostly above the waste or face pictures only! Congrats’

  6. I’m so super happy for y’all. I love when I see news about your precious family. The boys are getting so big. Looking forward to finding out the gender of the new baby!! God Bless all of y’all.

  7. So excited for your lovely little family!! Prayers for a healthy happy baby and easy delivery! In Christian love from way down in Mississippi!

  8. Congratulations on your new blessing from God. You’re absolutely glowing. I’m sure the boys are excited to be big brothers soon! I will keep your family in my prayers.

  9. Bless you All!! So Thankful to God for your Precious Family and for the Many Blessings that God has given All of Us THROUGH your willingness to share your lives! You will never know the extent to which your lives have Positively Impacted Other Lives!
    May God Continue To Richly Bless You and Your Family! I’m So Thankful that God has given you another PRECIOUS BABY!

  10. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss . But I’m so Very Happy to hear of your July Blessing!!! It’s about time somebody had some twins in your family.(hopefully,maybe,never know,)

  11. I’m so happy for you. I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy. You all look so happy. You look glowing. your hair is gorgeous by the way.

  12. Great news! Congratulations to the Dillard family.. ps I love the picture with your little son and his arm around his brother.. so cute.. many blessings for this time of joy!

  13. Congrats! Happy for you. We’re still praying for our Rainbow baby. We suffered a miscarriage in October. We’re still hopeful and trying to hold on to faith.

  14. CONGRATULATIONS I’m so very excited for your special news. Jill you look fabulous! The boys and Derek must be over the moon with excitement. Take it easy and don’t overdo. You have three men that can help out around the house. God Bless Dillard Family ❤️

  15. Congratulations on the rainbow baby my husband and I will pray for you and your family ❤️
    Much love-

  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for your sweet family.
    By the way! JILL! I absolutely love you as a blonde!
    It’s stunning!! ❤️

  17. Congratulations Jill & Derrick!!! I’m so happy for y’all!!! Praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

  18. Sharon Lisman Baxter

    I’m so happy for y’all.! Jill, you look great, you are just glowing! Love you hair, and you look healthy!!!!

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